Pharmacist. Naturalist. Humanist.

When asked what I “was,” I used to just respond “a pharmacist.” When I had children, I realized I was also a mother. Soon after, I realized that I’m also so much more, as are each of us.

Pharmacist - It seemed a fitting enough occupation to enter into. I liked chemistry in school. And so it was.

Naturalist - But growing up with the Reduce, Reuse, Recycle mantra, I developed a passion for the environment. And my love for nature seemed, in some ways, to run counter to the synthetic vibe of Western medicine.

Humanist - At the end of the day, my view of reality lies somewhere in the middle. Do our best self-healthcare with our natural human resources - eat well, stay active, rest. But when our best isn’t quite enough, when we need medicine - whether to supplement weight loss, control inherited high blood pressure, calm an overactive immune system - use it.

Humanism is a philosophy of life that considers the welfare of be of paramount importance.
— Joseph C. Summer